Friday, June 3, 2011

Fiend Folio Friday: the Flumph as the face of good

Notoriously, the only good monster in the Fiend Folio is the flumph. The flumph is small, weak, and lawful good. It's essentially a flying jellyfish, with a really hard to hit top (AC 0), and a squishy underside (AC 8), and its main defenses are a nasty musk and dropping onto opponents with its stinging underside. Though of average intelligence, it only speaks a smattering of its alignment tongue.

This is the face of good in the Fiend Folio. Your best chance at a friend or ally. The enemy of evil. The protector of order and weal. The flumph.

What sort of cosmology gives us the flumph as the friend of the paladin? I mean, the Monster Manual has some odd options for good creatures. No angels, but we get shedu, lamassu, ki-rin and couatls. But the flumph takes the cake.

So imagining the world that allows for flumphs as a great force of good really implies a good that is alien, weak, and set upon by external forces. A good largely unable to keep evil at bay, and which needs to survive by avoidance, escape, and surprise. And a force of good that can't even really speak to you. Which really leaves the good guys in the lurch.


  1. If you make the Flumph a mile wide 'Godzilla-class' monster, maybe it has a shot...

  2. Er... You left out Blink Dogs when listing creatures from the MM.

  3. I left out a bunch of good creatures in the MM, actually. Just pointing out that we don't get angels for good... only some odd supernatural higher plane creatures. But yes, we also get weirdos like unicorns, blink dogs, treants, and werebears.

    Frankly, it makes sense why good needs PCs on its side.

  4. What sort of cosmology gives us the flumph as the friend of the paladin?

    One in which this is the principle deity.

    And a force of good that can't even really speak to you.

    But which can touch you with a noodly appendage.

    Oddly enough, a successful flumph attack has a good chance of being fatal (what with the continuing damage from injected acid).

  5. And the one time I did use Flumphs, long long ago a dozen Flumphs led by a Ki-Rin, the players laughed and their characters ignored them and went the other way. Which says a lot about Flumphs, methinks.

  6. Scallop Skulled Skald: the flumph as some sort of Pastafarian agent is hilarious, and having clerics of the FSM seems oddly appealing.

