Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Draft: Language Table

Following yesterday's post, a language table for Athanor, based on the similar table in Tunnels and Trolls. Players can roll on this for bonus languages based on INT. Alternately, players can choose from results from 01 - 93.

d100 Result
01 - 20 Alemanian
21 - 25 Dromian (can understand but not speak)
25 - 35 Duma
36 - 40 Ghul (no written script)
41 - 45 Hssu
46 - 55 Khitai
56 - 75 Mal'Akkan
76 - 82 Throon (no written script)
83 - 85 Ancient Aquilan
85 - 87 Ancient Saal'Keshi
88 - 90 Ancient Turanian
91 - 93 Ancient Ylumi
94 - 95 Low Speech (dinosaurs)
96 - 97 Low Speech (mammals)
98 - 99 Low Speech (arthropods)
00 Wizard Speech
  • Ancient languages are written only — scholars can only guess at proper pronunciation.

  • Low Speech languages represent the ability to communicate with lower life forms. This grants semi-empathic communication rather than true speech.

  • Wizard Speech is telepathic communication, across languages and without need of sound.

1 comment:

  1. Any game setting with a language called "low speech (dinosaur)" is okay by me.

