Wednesday, October 6, 2010

New acquisitions

Just got my hands on a pair of d30s and a Rules Cyclopedia. Oh, and a new job with a substantial increase in both pay and responsibilities. And, as a result, a year leave of absence from my doctoral program.

I had forgotten just how clean and compact the Cyclopedia rules can be. Where once I thought the weapon mastery rules interesting, I now look at them as adding more complication than fun. And I find the skill rules still seem to be a poor fit for the existing rules, particularly in relation to thieves. Luckily, those systems are purely optional.

It has me thinking and sketching again around gaming, generating some ideas, which is great. If only I had more time in the day!


  1. And here I thought we were coming back with severely reduced pay for all, ala Futurama!

    I like the rules cyclopedia, though its a bit text heavy for me.

  2. Nice work! I just got more responsibility with an increase in pay down the line... but my own office now... heh

    I envy the man that gets the pay up front ;)

  3. Paladin: though I have enjoyed many pieces by Allston, the Rules Cyclopedia reads like an instruction manual. It isn't exactly inspiring writing. But it is a nice set of rules with some nice optional rules examples. I particularly like the inclusion of mass combat rules, and the fact that it is a one-book complete rule set.

    But reading it is a drag.

    And thanks both of you for your congratulations.

