Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Currently in my gaming imagination....

Right now, I find myself thinking of how to run a game inspired by combining sword and sorcery with the style of Jack Kirby. Huge, dynamic, gonzo epics with overly ornate armor, huge helmets, bombastic speeches, and huge doses of creativity. Gratuitous high technology, weird monsters, fight scenes for the pure joy of action, huge villains, and clear good and evil.

Part of me thinks that this might be my way of wrapping my head around the idea of running a 4e game.


  1. YES! Jeff Rients posted something similar back in April using 4E to run a New Gods type game. I'd been thinking on it myself for a while, using the Marvel FASERIP system using Masters of the Universe as my S&S universe of choice.

    I was on a Kirby tear for a while there. I still plan getting back to it, but my hands are in other 800 projects at the moment!

  2. You mean, that's not how you're supposed to run D&D? Egad. Thirty-three years shot to hell.

  3. I think it can be done, thought obviously the "weird" dial of S&S will be turned up and the "gritty" dial turned down.

  4. @Jay: I was thinking less New Gods level of intensity and more a fantasy Challengers of the Unknown with a lot of Kirby styling.

    @Barking Alien: A lot of D&D still runs as if people are playing out bad ideas for fantasy novels. While mine are more like stealing from Fritz Leiber than stealing from Tolkien, I can stand accused of such behavior. But I think I can not feel guilty about embracing the wackiness inherent in much of D&D.

    @Trey: definitely more weirdness than grittiness. Which is easier in some iterations of D&D than others....

  5. So do you have anything more concrete than some ripped pics to show us? Or are you just blowing smoke out your ass here on the interwebz? Sheesh, some people never get it.


  6. Frankly anonymous, it's my playground and i'll do as I please. And right now, as this blog has always been, it will continue to be a dumping ground for every half-baked semi-idea I want to spew out. Some of this will be dead ends, some will be crap, some will be mental masturbation. It'll come as it comes when it comes.

  7. Yikes, the trolls are out tonight. Ah well, every dungeon has 'em, right? ;)

