Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Carcosa wending its way to me by snail mail....

Well, I ordered my copy of Carcosa. I ordered the expurgated edition -- go ahead, call me a coward, but my wife is in early childhood education, and I just don't need the kind of hassle that could come from some misguided reading of what that book is. I have enough crap to get me in trouble in my library.

I plan to raid Carcosa for elements of the weird. I doubt much of the actual world or rules will come into Athanor unaltered, but you never know. My main desire here is some inspiration for my own gaming and hopefully an entertaining read.


  1. Coward!

    Actually, I couldn't care less. If I ever did buy it, I might also consider the expurgated version, only because I found the idea of sticking the "other content" in there kinda...droll. A little too "Lookit here, this is so edgy!". Meh, I say. Meh.

  2. There really isn't anything edgy about the "other content," the way it's described is very spartan and lacking in any mustache twirling. It is possibly presented in the most tasteful way it could be.

    Regardless, Carcosa is a fountain or unrestrained enthusiasm and creativity for a DM, and the setting prestented comes across as "Destroy All Monsters" meets "Post- Call of Cthulhu Apocalypse" with dashes of Michael Moorcock. Very entertaining!

  3. "There really isn't anything edgy about the "other content," the way it's described is very spartan and lacking in any mustache twirling. It is possibly presented in the most tasteful way it could be."

    Eh, dare I say it, but that almost seems even sillier. I mean, really. There is no "tasteful" way to talk about baby rape, or whatever.

    Not to rehash yet another stupid argument about the whole thing, but if you're gonna put that stuff in there, trying to do it "tastefully" is like trying to tastefully take a crap on your own front lawn in front of the neighbors. Might be your own lawn, but c'mon...

    And yes, I'll admit the rest of it sounds cool. Which makes the (albeit very small amount of) "other stuff" kinda even more of a shame, because it peed in a stewpot that seemed otherwise pretty tasty.

    Okay, now I'm even grossing myself out.

  4. I order the tame version myself for the same reason (my wife and I are both nonprofit CEOs at agencies that work with children). It is still very good, great system in itself and great source book as well. Enjoy!

